This week we learned about a saying writers have, "Show, don't tell."
We looked at poems and tried to figure out the big feeling in them. Even though the poet hadn't told us, we could always figure it out based on their word choice and the picture they created in our minds. Then we wrote this class poem before we went off to try it in our own writing-- can you figure out how most of us felt when some of those first snow flakes fell earlier this week??
On another day in writing we talked about how to make writing that feels "regular" into writing that feels like a poem. Two ways we tried out to create more of the voice of a poem were: write like you are talking to rather than about an object, or write a story as a poem by telling it as if you just rushed into a room and said only the most important words to tell a story. We got some great gems from jumping in and trying these techniques!
In math we learned a new game called Make the Sum. You take turns flipping cards over and make the target sum whenever you can, using two or more cards combined.
We read and responded to morning messages like this
and this
We did some fun new morning meeting greetings, including one that had an inner and an outer circle rotating so we could each greet lots of different classmates. We also did a greeting where each person called out their first name and the class said their last name back. This caused delight when even I said my first name!
In social studies we've been reading about the Pilgrims and Native Americans and the first Thanksgiving. In first grade we focus on how life was the same and different from our lives now living in the 2000s. We wrote this paragraph/report as a class, a first introduction to this form of writing with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion.

We had reading groups. We meet in small groups during our reading time twice a week. Some students are in a small group with me, some with Mrs. B who helps out in our classroom, some with Ms. Derosier and Mr. Burriss. Reading groups give us a chance to reinforce the skills and strategies we are working on in our reading workshop lessons, as well as a chance to read multiple copies of the same book and have book discussions and/or do word work that supports the text. Some groups meet in another room because it helps us all have enough space and to keep the noise level down that naturally occurs when small groups are happening. Students look forward to reading group times.
Today we had indoor recess because of the rain and enjoyed a lot of building and creating!
Tomorrow morning first thing is a WRS tradition for students and staff: squash chucking! As all students and staff get ready for the feast next week, the second grade needs help chucking the squash and gathering up the pieces before they wash and seed and cook and mash it. (Thank you for sending in the corn bread mix! We could use a couple more boxes, but we are in good shape.)
Last, students have asked me to "put it on the blog," so here is a reminder per request: Family Movie Night here at school is tomorrow, Nov. 17 at 6:30 P.M. (doors open at 6:00). The movie is Cars 3!