Thursday, March 15, 2018

Reading Red Clover Books

We are currently enjoying this year's Red Clover books during our read aloud time. Here's a blurb from the web site:

"The Red Clover Book Award is designed for children in kindergarten through fourth grade. Each year thousands of Vermont school children read the 10 nominated picture books and vote for their favorite in the spring. The award has been handed out annually since 1997."
Mrs. Haynes passes around a bag filled with these books from classroom to classroom throughout the school year until most students in our school have read them all.

I love reading the Red Clover books because there's great anticipation each time I pull the next one out of the bag. They are all so different and that's the fun-- biography, fantasy, poetry, and more, with different styles of writing and illustrations. Some are short and easily accessible, some are longer and more of a stretch for first graders. We always learn new things. Today we learned a lot of facts about otters, including that they are very playful. We'll each get to vote for our favorite and find out the winning book is in our classroom, school, and in the state.

Feel free to check out the web site where you can see a list of the books and see lists of great books nominated in past years as well:

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