Sunday, April 8, 2018

Audio Recordings

We are able to read more and more books, discovering all sorts of fun series lately. Here are some pictures of us immersed in our books.

Here are some of the strategy notes from our reading lessons recently. As you can see we've been working on being sure we truly understand our books, paying attention to the story as we read, noticing and figuring out the meaning of a word we don't know when we encounter it-- because if we don't get it, what is the point of reading?! 

As a culminating activity in our current unit of reading lessons, we are working on doing a fabulous job reading aloud in order to each make an audio recording of a book of our choice. Students hear adults read books aloud every day, and they listen to their reading partners. But we also gave a careful listen to an audio book of Whistle for Willie to think about what an audio book reader does that we might try when we read to sound great; students noticed a lot of things, like change your voice to go with how the character is feeling, and pay attention to things like exclamation points, and notice dialogue tags (like 'John whispered,' or 'shouted Susan' after quotation marks). Here's a couple pictures of some students doing their audio recordings with an iPad. 

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